Creating Art Studio is like a social art lab, a place where you can explore art techniques in different media and also be part of a friendly community.
Our classes and workshops in-person and online are for children, teens, adults, and seniors, everyone is welcome here!
We are located in Redmond, Washington State in the U.S.
We also offer some of our art classes in Spanish for adults and seniors and we are considering opening one entirely in Spanish for children as well.
Everyone has an inner artist waiting to be discovered. If you give art a try and practice your skills, you will realize how talented you are and your progress will amaze you in no time.


Marcela Ferioli
I'm an instructor and the owner of Creating Art Studio. I'm originally from Argentina and I'm teaching art since 1996.
What I love about what I do is that students become friends and that we all grow together no only in art but as a person.
A group of students teamed up to paint portraits to bring attention to animals that are up for adoption, volunteering their time and donating their paintings to the adopting families, and this is only one of the many examples of the energy that flows at the studio when art gets combined with great people.

Andrea Fernandez
Ms. Andrea is a Graphic designer and an art instructor at Creating Art Studio.
Andrea is a mom of two children and also a talented cake decorator..
She is not only very talented but someone you enjoy spending time with. She is creative and her front yard is always a showcase for her neighbors during the holidays.

Romina Teodori
Romina is the Pottery instructor at Creating Art Studio.
She grew up in her mother's pottery studio and found her passion there. Romina owned a studio in her hometown in Argentina and has been teaching pottery since 2019.
She is a psychologist by profession and a mother of two girls.
She connected her love for her profession with the therapeutic aspect of art.

Virginia is the Studio's Office Manager, you connect with her for registrations and communication in general, she is our organizer and the customer service provider. She responds to the emails and helps you find the right classes for you.
Virginia is a mom of two children, being one of them the youngest students who attend our art classes, and has a clear passion for what she does.